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The Nutty Evidence

Upon entering the Administration Building, I glanced in Tony Frank's office and happened to notice more peculiar squirrel-related evidence. There, on his desk, sits a bowl of assorted nuts. Normal enough, right? However, this particular bowl of nuts were not grab-n-go, and there was no nutcracker in sight. How does Tony Frank consume this snack? There is only one logical explanation: Tony Frank uses his sharp squirrel teeth to break open the hard shells. Therefore, evidence leads us to believe that he must be 20-30 squirrels.

Further proof from the "Update on CSU's Budget for Next Year" as written by Tony Frank himself clearly

I would like to draw your attention to this clearly coded sentence, cleverly hidden by Tony Frank, amongst the legal jargon.

But that's not all - the Administration Building is also cleverly located catercorner to the Forestry Building and adjacent to the Oval. The Admin. Building is exactly 262.01 feet from the Forestry building, and 289.15 feet from the Oval. Squirrels can run a maximum of 20 mph, this means it takes squirrels less than one minute to travel from the Admin. Building to said forested areas. We we were given an anonymous tip from an employee who claims to work in the Admin. Building, telling us that Tony Frank frequently takes bathroom breaks, sometimes up to seven times per day. We have come to the conclusion that the 20 to 30 squirrels who inhabit the suit use this time to dissolve their apparent form as one to scavenge for nuts.

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